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At Fault #CAR ACCIDENT Lawyer

If blame for the car accident sits squarely on you, don't admit fault, but do get to know your car insurance coverage. If it turns out that you were pretty clearly at fault for your car accident , it’s not the end of the world, but it could end up costing you a certain amount of both money and hassle, depending on the specifics of your situation.

Parties at Fault in a Rear-End Collision. A rear-end car accident usually happens when a driver tailgates another vehicle, preventing them from safely stopping in time to avoid a collision. However, there are also cases where the motorist who was rear-ended is at fault. Sometimes, more than one party is at fault for a car accident. In Georgia, you can still recover damages if you are less than 50% at fault ( Georgia Code Section 51-12-33 ). This is good news for injury victims who were partially at fault.

at fault car accident lawyers attorneys

You may think that car accident lawyers only help people who are innocent victims of car accidents. However, there are many ways an attorney can assist you even if you think you caused the accident. It is always worth it to discuss the situation with a law firm that regularly handles all types of traffic accident cases.

John Bruscato is a personal injury attorney specializing in car accident cases in Monroe, Louisiana. Contact our office today for a free case evaluation. Possible Scenarios for Backing-Up Accidents. Now that you know the basics of determining fault in a car accident let's go over a few common types of backing-up accidents.

If you have been injured in a lawsuit and are concerned about whether or not you were at fault, an experienced car accident lawyer can help. In addition to providing valuable information and legal advice, an auto accident attorney can help protect your rights and prevent your statements to the police and insurance companies from being used against you.

Some car accidents are fairly straightforward when it comes to figuring out who was at fault, but oftentimes determining liability gets complicated. It's one of the first questions that come up after a car accident: Who was at fault? With some kinds of accidents, it's clear to everyone involved (and every eyewitness) exactly who or what caused the crash. But that's not usually the case. In this article, we'll touch on some of the key factors that come into play when it's time to make a finding of fault for a car accident.

When You're at Fault for an Accident Updated By David Goguen , J.D. If someone is injured as a result of your negligence or other wrongful conduct, there are a number of things you need to keep in mind—partly to protect your legal and financial interests, and partly so as not to make a bad situation worse. Hiring an attorney after any type of car accident is a good idea, regardless of who was at fault. It may be difficult to prove fault in some accidents when both parties are partially to blame, and an attorney can help navigate complex car accident claims for a party on either side of the table.

Resulting Injuries From Construction Zone Car Accidents Your Arizona Injury Lawyers Discuss Accidents within Construction Zones There’s a good reason that speed limits are lowered and fines are doubled in construction zones. With all of the equipment, lane closures, and other conditions created in construction zones, accidents that occur in them are particularly dangerous.

Should I Hire A Car Accident Lawyer For A Minor Accident in Naples, FL? After being involved in a small car collision in Naples, you might be wondering if it is worth it to hire a car accident lawyer for a minor accident to help you pursue compensation. As you are probably aware, Florida is a no-fault state. After any major accident, it is smart to hire a car wreck lawyer right away. Since determining fault is different in many areas of the country, it is important to understand the laws to ensure you get the compensation you deserve.

(More: Be Careful What You Say at the Scene of a Car Accident.) Do Call the Police. An important "do" is, in most situations, you should call the police after a car accident. Many states have a law requiring the police to be informed if a car accident causes bodily injury or property damage that exceeds $500 or $1,000. Don’t take a chance.

Should You Ever Admit Fault After a Car Accident? Even if you think you did cause the crash, admitting fault for a car accident isn’t a good idea – at least, not without first talking to an attorney. Admitting fault for a car accident isn’t a wise move, even if it seems obvious that you caused the crash. Who is at Fault in a Car Accident? – A Conversation With Darryl Isaacs. Attorney Darryl Isaacs sat down to address questions about car accidents and fault in a recent radio episode of “Ask The Hammer,” the podcast exploring the legal matters that matter most. Play the episode directly below.